In 2022, the Larimer County Commissioners suspended our business permit for six months after a well-meaning family member of a customer hung a balloon outside on our railing during normal business hours. In the county’s eyes, this turned her wine tasting experience into a “private event,” which Larimer County has chosen not to let us conduct private events. As a result of this restrictive interpretation, we must remind our visitors not to bring balloons and not to wear bachelorette sashes, birthday crowns, gift bags or anything else that signals an organized event in the eyes of Planning and Zoning for Larimer County.
Land Use Meeting 6/27/22, 6:30 PM (link: 2:49:23 timestamp
We are the only winery in Larimer County that is not allowed to hold events. But, events were perfectly ok under the previous owner of the building from 2015 up until the sale of the property in 2020. The Special Permit follows the property and should not change by re-interpretation just with the sale of the property. Here are some of the events that were held prior to our purchase in 2020 without any problem or concern. Blendings at The Preserve 2015-2020
In 2023 our permit came under the scrutiny of Larimer County Staff once again, and the arbitrary decision has been made that our permit now only allows 11 cars total per day.
This arbitrary car-count decision has made an enormous impact on our business and our customer experience.
We invite our customers to view the Land Use Minutes from Monday, October 19, 2015 to view for yourself our concern for this very capricious decision by county staff. We have highlighted in yellow the car information for ease of viewing.In 2023 our permit has come under the scrutiny of Larimer County Staff and the arbitrary decision has been made that our permit now only allows 11 cars per day.
Land Use Hearing Minutes – Monday, October 19, 2015 – Here you will find our permit car counts: Agri-tourism 18 plus 5 plus and additional 22 cars in our peak season.
Attached, please find our response to the arbitrary car count change to our permit
Findings and Resolutions from the 2015 BOCC meeting. This is the summary of the meeting minutes. Both the meeting minutes and this Findings and Resolutions are considered legal documents by Larimer County.
Blendings Winery ~ Fort Collins, CO
Blendings Winery ~ Fort Collins, CO